ATAC has a zero tolerance policy regarding the abuse of drugs and alcohol. The abuse of such items, either at the club or on ATAC trips will not be tolerated. ATAC welcomes students of any race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or physical disability. The Board of Directors shall not tolerate any discriminatory act or act of harassment, sexual or otherwise, from staff members, other fencers, or observers. If you are uncomfortable at anytime, for any reason, please notify a member of the Board of Directors immediately for a private consultation. We want your fencing experience to be rewarding and positive. The staff and instructors of the ATAC Fencing Club believe that anyone who has the desire to learn should have the opportunity to fence. Even those with health problems or physical limitation have the opportunity to learn fencing. Our coaching staff will assist you in developing a program around any limitation you may have. We want everyone to be happy and feel comfortable at the ATAC Fencing Club. If there is a problem of any kind, please let a Board Member know. We attempt to guide students to the instructor most suited to their weapon, fencing style and personality; however, should your child want to switch to a different instructor, this is not a problem. No discrimination, no harassment is tolerated by any member of the ATAC family.
Safety is everyone's responsibility. Although fencing is a combat sport, observance of some simple rules will prevent most injuries. Wear proper attire. Proper fencing attire is comprised of mask, glove, white jacket and knickers, and lame. The proper attire is important for classes and lessons as well competition. Knickers do not have to be worn for classes or lessons; warm-ups or sweats are adequate. It is advised that shorts not be worn for classes and lessons as they leave legs unprotected. Fencers may wear shorts while exercising or warming up, but should change into adorn warm-ups, sweats or knickers once classes and lessons commence. Never enter the strip area without your mask. Always wear your mask when bouting or taking lessons. Always wear your protective equipment (underarm protector, proper clothing, breast protector, etc.)
Examine your weapons and protective equipment prior to bouting.
Make sure your strip surface is clear of all debris, weapons, masks or other items which may cause trips, slips or falls.
No horseplay on strip and never attempt to make contact with someone who is bouting on another strip.
Never enter or exit the fencing area by crossing a strip where bouting is occurring. Always use the walkway, but be aware that fencers may come across this area at any time.
Come physically prepared to fence. Fencing requires vast amounts of energy and uses tremendous stores of body fluids and nutrients. If you have been ill, or are not feeling well, don't fence.
Warm up before bouting or lessons.
Practice good fencing techniques, posture and footwork to prevent bad habits which lead to injuries.
Bout only when a coach or instructor is present, and only under qualified supervision.
It is a requirement for insurance purposes that all ATAC fencing club members participating in open fencing sessions be members of the United States Fencing Association.
Fencers who wish to compete for ATAC in local, regional and/or national tournaments must have membership in the All Texas Athletic Center(ATAC) Fencing Club.
ALL fencers who participate in classes and lessons at ATAC must complete and sign a waiver prior to their participation. Waivers are in effect for the entire fencing season, August through July.
ATAC Coach's Policy is to send a coach to a tournament if 5 or more fencers request coaching for that tournament. The 5 or more fencers will be asked to pay coaches fees which cover travel, lodging, and per diem for the coach. Coach's fees can go from $10 to as much as $500 depending on where, how long, and how many ATAC fencers are sharing the fees.
Usually at least one of our coaches will remain at ATAC; however, for large team events where a number of young fencers are competing, it may be necessary to send two coaches.
It is the fencer's responsibility to notify the ATAC Fencing Club secretary (by completing an "Intent to Compete" form) that they want a coach at a tournament.
The deadlines for notification and payment of coach's fees are:
NAC-30 days in advance (so we can get the lower airfare and reduce YOUR costs)
Local-2 weeks in advance
When competing is a local, sectional or national competition it is important to remember the tournament is not over until a victor is established. An ATAC fencer who has lost his/her bout is not necessarily free to leave the venue. If other ATAC fencers are still competing, fencers need to remain at the venue to cheer on and support their teammates. At ATAC, fencing is a team competition. An individual fencer's victory reflects on the entire club.