John Moreau, Head Coach
Over 42 years fencing experience
Member 1984 and 1988 US Olympic
Fencing Team
2003 Div I Individual Men's Epee National Champion (set US
age record (52 years) for winning a Div I National Championship)
International Judge for Modern Pentathlon Event Olympic Games 2008 & 2012 (1 of 9 judges selected and only American)
6 time National Champion - team epee
Bronze Medallist 1998 World Masters Games - epee
Bronze Medallist
2002 & 2005 FIE Veteran World Championships - epee
3 time member U.S. World Championship Team - fencing
Competitor and Medallist in 15 US Olympic Festival Events
Finalist in 10 Olympic trials - fencing and modern pentathlon (equestrian jumping, pistol shooting, fencing, swimming and running)
Coach of Rob Stull - 4 times US National Epee Champion
Coach of Evan Marlin - Bronze Medallist 2002 U-20 Jr. Olympic